Today, Josie & Wesley's great-grandfather turns 90! He said he "hated to even say the number because it sounded so old." Oh, to live to be 90 and see our great-grandchildren. What a blessing that would be! We took lots of pictures. There's not one of him with both of the grandbabies...why would they want to both cooperate at the same time (both of the babies that is, not the babies and great-granddad...he's fairly cooperative).
Great-granddad blew out the candles before I could take a picture. For 90, he's quick as a snake. We think he was just ready to dig into some ice cream cake. I think when I turn 90 I might have ice cream cake every day!
And this is the mini bottle tree at his house....I just think its cool.
How neat! I know that was a special day for him and great pics.