Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

Halloween has never really been one of my favorite holidays....not really even in my top 10 list....Labor Day, Memorial Day, and 4th of July are all before it. I'm not really sure why...perhaps its because I'm a huge chicken and the whole idea of ghosts and goblins just isn't fun to celebrate for me. That being said, I tried my hardest to make fun, bright, cute outfits for the babies. So they were CRAYONS!!

The Halloween festivities started on Friday night at BobBob's doing some actual door to door trick-or-treating.

Then, we spent some time there playing.....ok, eating candy....

And just hanging out after a long work week....

Saturday night we went to the fall festival at our church. They have a trunk-0r-treat where people fix their trunks to look spooky and scary!!

And the kids go from trunk to trunk collecting candy.

Then it was inside to eat fall festival food (hotdogs and french fries) and to play the ultimate fall festival game....BINGO!

Edwin (and Josie) were our announcers and even having the announcer on our side didn't help us win a game!

We quit after a couple of games, came home to children that were wired up from candy overdose and tried our best to put them to bed. Thank goodness they got an extra hour of sleep. Having kids has given me a new perspective on how to have a fun Halloween!

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