Sometimes its feel so strange to be a grown-up...especially when I get together with old friends and reminisce about old times, except now we bring our kids along for them to play together also. Angela and Jean came over last week with their children (3 little boys). Jean's was the oldest, just turning 5 this week, and Angela's was the youngest (a tad over 2), so between the 3 of us, we had quite the little brood of kiddos running around the house. The children all played wonderfully together. We jumped from toy to toy. We played in water and with the chicks (more on that later this week). We jumped on pinestraw bales and wrote with sidewalk chalk. It was a great time for the kids and the mommies enjoyed catching up too. Oh my how our lives have changed...but I don't think we'd trade it any other way.
Where is Wes? I saw him in the corner of one picture getting sprayed!