Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Fish Fry...Summer is Here

It's clean out the freezer time. Pa likes to fish, but he doesn't eat them very often, so we've got to plan a fish fry each weekend from now until fall to clean out his freezer so that he can catch some more. Ok, its not that bad, but we'll make up any excuse to fry fish and have family over.

Here are the men actually frying the fish. Well, mostly Dave with two older men watching over his shoulder (Pops and Pa). Ok, they're more drinking beer and telling war stories, than even watching over his shoulder. Ok, more hunting/fishing stories than war stories. I apologize Dave for the lack of help we give you. The fish tasted wonderful as always.

The ladies doing what they doing best....standing around chattin'.

And Edwin doing what he does best....acting like a child. **Please excuse the beverage that Edwin has in his hand while playing with the babies....

But man, Josie loves her Edwie....can you tell?

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