Then the babies moved onto playing on the shoreline. (You can see Pops beautifully built fire pit in the background. He built it 4 years ago and up until then, the lake NEVER reached 360 - its full point. Since he built it, the lake has hovered at 360 every year, hence, a waterlogged fire pit. The couple of times we've used it, the food has been great. He also has a patio that's underneath the water too. You'd think living on the lake for 35 years, he'd know better than to build below the 360 line....)
Wes as always, enjoyed a snack. Notice he knows how to get them himself now.
Then the babies finished off the day by playing in their "boat".
Ca-ca (Erica) and Matt were on the lake, so they stopped by for a while and then Jess and Edwie came over with Remmi. It was nice to have the family all in one place and at a little quieter pace (than from the wedding last week). Jess and Edwin enjoyed a nice honeymoon and BobBob and Pops had a great time in the mountains last week.
Its a good thing we got to play a little bit yesterday because Pops is going to pick up corn from our good friends, Roger & Ginger, today, we're having 14 pallets of sod delivered on Thursday, and the garden is producing bountifully. We have a very full week ahead of us.
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